Essential Health Testing

The iHelp Study 

Personalised cancer risk assessment, prevention and wellbeing.

The aim of this project by Manchester University (Prof Ken Muir and Dr Li Lophatananon) is to evaluate the use of a cancer risk-based assessment to promote health and wellbeing.

The trial will  inform participants of their genetic predisposition to cancer (as assessed by a polygenic SNP score) and the amount of methylation of their DNA.  This will give insights into environmental and lifestyle exposures together with a measure of their biological age which is an emerging marker of more general health and rate of ageing.

All participants will be given a free FitBit (accelerometer) watch which will be connected to and monitored by the trial.

A blood test on the night will be analysed and used in conjunction with the FitBit data to supply the above information completely confidentially to each participant.

You can chose to be part of this programme along with your Essential Health Tests. Once you have booked your main tests on the Booking Site, you will be able to opt into the trial. 


Essential Health Tests for Men & Women of All Ages

Home Testing 

A simple 3 minute Blood Test that could change your life.

Bridgnorth Lions Club works in partnership with The Graham Fulford Charitable Trust and TDL (The Doctors Laboratory) to provide testing services. The event is staffed by volunteer healthcare professionals.

Our face to afce testing events have ended for this year, however you can still order a Home Testing Kit.

Nine different essential health tests are available.

  • PSA
  • Cholesterol
  • Diabeties
  • Thyroid
  • Iron Count
  • VItamin D
  • VItamin B12
  • Liver Function
  • Iron Count

Through a simple Blood Test test that can help identify possible conditions like Diabeties or Anemea, that if left unchecked, can have a long term impact on your health.

Tests are available for Men & Women of All Ages, but it is essential that you book in advance.



Prostate Example

The Bridgnorth Lions Club works in partnership with local healthcare providers and our various testing events and home tests have become an important part of our community outreach efforts to help raise awareness about the importance of early detection.

However before you book, we want to ensure you are aware of the conditions each test checks for and health implications. Therefore to find out more about the tests and book click below.